
Tuesday, January 17

Kerry Gammill Classic Horror Actors Illustrations

Below are illustrations of three of Universal's great monster actors, Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi and Lon Chaney Jr. These were done by Kerry Gammill, one of the nicest guys in the business and a major Monster-kid. Kerry gave me these years ago, at either the Wonderfest or Monster Bash convention. I ran across them recently while going through some of my stuff and thought I'd share them here. Kerry really captured the likeness of each in a clean pen and ink style.

Kerry has had a long career in the comic book field, as well as done a ton of other great stuff. You can check out his work on his website at:

 He's also put out a couple of terrific books, one on comic book illustrating and the other on the art of Basil Gogos, a must-have for any monster fan. Pick them up directly from his website here:

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