
Saturday, March 24

The Final Episode of The Fantastic Films of Vincent Price - Edward Scissorhands

Here it is, the final episode of The Fantastic Films of Vincent Price, exploring Vincent's last three films - Catchfire, Edward Scissorhands, and The Heart of Justice. This has been quite a ride, making a video for each of Vincent's theatrically released films as well as a number of other projects along the way, including his books, TV work, radio and more. Thank you all for joining me along the way, and for all your support. It's been a fun project.

In closing, I just want to mention that this series is nominated for a Rondo Award for classic horror excellence. If you have enjoyed this series, please consider voting for it for Best Multimedia. The ballot is at, or you can just send an email to and let them know you'd like to vote for The Fantastic Films of Vincent Price for best Multimedia. Voting goes through April 8th.

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