Dr. Gangrene's Cinetarium airs Saturday Nights at 9pm central on Nashville NECAT Arts CH9. It is also simulcast on the NECAT Roku channel (search for Necat). Or click to watch below.

Saturday, May 27

Tonight's movie is to die for!

 We got a real killer... I mean, chiller for you tonight. The 1979 grindhouse slasher... Driller Killer!

Saturday, May 13

Saturday, May 6

A KILLER movie tonight...

Tonight's MAD movie from the Cinetarium vaults is the 1973 slasher SCREAM BLOODY MURDER - a disturbed boy with serious mama issues goes on a murderous rampage Click below to watch...

Wednesday, May 3

This month in the lab

 The killers are coming this month in the Cinetarium. The schedule kicks off with a brand new episode this Saturday with Scream Bloody Murder!