Saturday, May 27

Tonight's movie is to die for!

 We got a real killer... I mean, chiller for you tonight. The 1979 grindhouse slasher... Driller Killer!

Saturday, May 20

Saturday, May 13

Drive-in Massacre

 This week's mad movie takes us to the drive-in with the 1976 schlocker Drive-in Massacre...

Saturday, May 6

A KILLER movie tonight...

Tonight's MAD movie from the Cinetarium vaults is the 1973 slasher SCREAM BLOODY MURDER - a disturbed boy with serious mama issues goes on a murderous rampage Click below to watch...

Wednesday, May 3

This month in the lab

 The killers are coming this month in the Cinetarium. The schedule kicks off with a brand new episode this Saturday with Scream Bloody Murder!