Wednesday, December 16

Been busy getting my Howliday special ready to air. It is all laid out on the timeline and I've color corrected everything and added all my transitions - next up is cleaning up audio and eqing levels. I still have a couple of insert shots to add, then it's time for sound effects... should be done in a couple of days, depending on how much time I have to work on it.

Been a busy and hectic weekend - I am feeling kind of exhausted and a bit drained, and honestly probably need to catch up a bit on sleep.

I started watching "House of Long Shadows" over lunch today - That's one I've always wanted to see mainly because of the cast - Vincent Price, Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, John Carradine - all together in one movie with... Desi Arnez Jr.? Uhhh...yeah.

Haven't gotten too far into it, so can't really comment on the movie itself yet, but Desi is horrible. Wonderfully horrible, mind you, in an unintended, bad movie sense. So I am enjoying the movie. More on it tomorrow after I finish it... but in the meantime - here's the trailer...

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