Greetings Fright Fans! Dr. Gangrene here with a big announcement. Dr. Gangrene's Cinetarium is back on the scarewaves! It airs every Saturday night at 9pm central on Nashville's Necat Arts CH9, featuring yours ghouly hosting a film from the vaults here on Shackle Island.
You have several options to tune in. In the Nashville area you can see it on Comcast CH9. Outside the viewing area watch streaming on the website, http://www.necatnetwork.org or if you have a Roku player you can watch it streaming there just search for "necat" on the channels and click on the Arts channel stream Sat at 9pm central.
Dr. Gangrene's Cinetarium - Where all the movies are Mad!
Oh wow! Will have to fire up the Roku one of these weekends and check it out.