Just got the word from Mondo Cult Magazine editor Jessie Lilley that the latest issue of her magazine is on the stands and features an article with your gruely! It is mainly about the Wonderfest live show we hosted last year featuring the film "The Tingler," but features a little behind the scenes info on the Doc as well. The article turned out terror-ific and I want to encourage all of you to go pick up a copy of Mondo Cult at a bookstore near you - for a list of stores that carry it in your area go to http://www.mondocult.com/ - for those in the Nashville area I'll save you some time - it is carried at Books-a-Million!
Huge thanks to everyone who helped pull off a successful show in Louisville last year - Nurse Moan-eek, Bob Burns, John Goodwin, Frank Dietz, The Exotic Ones, J. Sorrels, Eathen Allen, Genny Shannon, and all the Wonderfest Crew (and anyone else I may have forgotten in a mad scientific haze). Here's looking forward to another great show in 2008!