Friday, April 18

the Doctor is in... again

Well I took a little unintentional hiatus from the blog here over the past few weeks, due mostly to a very busy personal life. This is what killed my blog last time around, too - it takes a high energy level and committment to do this daily, and sometimes life gets in the way despite our best intentions. My goggles are off to those of you who manage to do this regularly. I am going to try and get back to a somewhat regular schedule here again, if at all possible, though.

The weather is warming up now and I'm lovin' it! Nothing like sitting on the front porch with a cold beer or early morning cup of joe enjoying the sunshine. Good stuff. Warms my mad scientific heart.

The big news going on right now is the announcement of a new addition to the Creature Feature family. Our director, Cameron McCasland and his wife Jessica just had a new baby girl born earlier this week. Our congratulations and warmest wishes to the McCaslands. Very exciting!

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