
Sunday, November 29

Did you have a Childhood Horror Host?

Were you one of the lucky kids who grew up with a horror host on late night or afternoon television? Many a monster-kid has fond memories of their favorite horror host... and if you're one of them chances are you can find out info on your host with the most here:

at Egor's Chamber of TV Horror Hosts - this is a fantastic and exhaustive list of hosts from the first hosts (Vampira and Zacherley) to the present day hosts (such as your's truly).

Speaking of Zacherley, the cool Ghoul - he still is active and has a site here:

and he can be seen, along with a host of horror hosts, in the documentary American Scary. I'm proud to say I was one of the hosts interviewed for this documentary - Filmmakers Sandy Clark and John Hudgens did a fantastic job with this documentary. Here are two trailers for it:

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