
Monday, June 4

Wonderfest 2012 report

 Hello all, sorry I've been a little negligent with my postings here. Been a very crazy month or so, both personally and with the show here. I am happy to report that Wonderfest was a smashing success. Lots of fun, saw many good friends again and hosted the 80's schlocktastic film MEGAFORCE Sat night. It was especially great having Bob Burns at the show again this year.After a couple of years off he felt up to traveling and I know the crowd was thrilled to see him.

  At the Rondo Award ceremony it was my honor to induct the one and only Morgus the Magnificent into the Rondo Award Hall of Fame. Thanks, David Colton, for asking me to be a part of the ceremony. Donna Lucas shot video of the entire ceremony, so I hope she got my induction speech and posts it online so I can share it here.

The weekend seemed to come and go quicker than usual, despite my arriving on Friday this year. I had a table this time around, the first time I've fooled with merchandise in years. Was good to have some fresh merch for folks, and thanks to everyone who stopped by to see me. Here's to many more years of Wonderfest fun!!

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