
Friday, January 4

Short Story on Kindle

For the 2013 season I have decided to tackle a project I've always wanted to do more of, writing. I was talking with some fellow writers and we decided to do a challenge called 13 for 13 - we will write thirteen short stories for the year 2013, and publish them online. This may not sound overly ambitious to those of you who are writers, but it is a nice steady project for me, and one I've really been enjoying thus far.

I posted my first story on Kindle. I considered posting the stories here, but there is something satisfying about "officially" publishing them on Kindle, and they can potentially reach a wider audience this way. The first story is a short one, the next two are a bit longer. It is posted on kindle here:

And for the next 5 days it is available for free (Until January 7th), so start downloading!!

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