Wednesday, February 27

Rondo Award Nominations!

The ballot for the eleventh annual Rondo Awards has been released, and I'm proud to announce I've been nominated in three categories!! The Rondo Awards are an annual award that recognizes the best in monster research, creativity and film preservation in the year 2012.

The categories I'm nominated in are:

Category 15. Best Magazine Column (The Doctor Is In-Sane, by Dr. Gangrene, SCARY MONSTERS)

Category 18. Best Website (Chiller Cinema, Home of Dr. Gangrene's Web Lab)  

Category 22. Favorite Horror Host (Dr. Gangrene)  

Go to: and follow the directions there to vote for all your favorites, including yours ghouly in the above categories. You don't have to vote in every category - simply email the selections you wish to vote for to:  - it's that simple. There are a ton of categories and great nominees listed, so go check it out, you'll be glad you did!!  

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