Friday, November 30

You're a Wonder, Wonder Woman!!

While I was surfing the web this morning I stumbled across the website It's a movie news site, and among the various movie rumors/news/gossip was a report about the upcoming (still in planning/production stages) JUSTICE LEAGUE movie. Various cast rumors were being discussed, and among them, Wonder Woman!

Now, I've never been a huge Wonder Woman fan, but I sure did watch the 70s TV show starring Linda Carter. That was one groovy show, and I managed to watch it regularly. It was a real product of the 70s - Linda Carter did a great job with what they gave her to work with, and she looked great in the suit.
The Justice League movie is actually slated for a 2010 release, according to IMDB - but there is also a Wonder Woman film in the works for 2009, again according to IMDB. So who would they cast to play Wonder Woman in the new movies?

Well among the rumors floating about on was this one from September 2007:

Jessica Biel

On first glance, I'd say Jessica looks too young when compared to Linda Carter. But, Linda was actually only 24 years old when Wonder Woman first hit the airwaves in 1975, which puts Jessica Biel actually a year older than Linda was when they started shooting the series! She certainly has the physique, and she did a fine job in the movies I've seen her in. I think she'd be a great choice.

One thing they'll have to be careful about, if they cast Jessica as Wonder Woman - next to her they'll definitely have to have someone other than Brandon Routh play Superman - she's more buff than he was in Superman Returns, without a doubt!

Regardless of who they cast in either film, one thing is guaranteed - the theme song won't be anywhere near as good as the TV show!!