Tuesday, December 14

Midnight - John Russo

This is a really cool poster I ran across recently - it is for a movie called Midnight. Not only have I not seen this one, I was not even aware of it. It was made in 1982, and was written and directed by John Russo. Wow! How'd this one escape my notice?

GREAT tagline... When the dead drink the blood of the living!
A quick search over at Youtube turned up the trailer...

and best of all, the entire movie there too:

Man you gotta love the internet! Guess I have me some late night movie watchin' to do!!

1 comment:

  1. I had never heard of this movie until the New Year's weekend when I bought a copy of it for my brother in law for $1.95 at a local bookstore. I picked it up since I saw Russo's name. He hasn't gotten back to me yet as to what it was like (if he's even watched it yet).

    Keith Martin
