Monday, June 1

Wonderfest 2015 Post Report

I had a fantastic time at Wonderfest in Louisville this past weekend. Among the highlights was meeting Victoria Price (and Sara Karloff again), receiving a Rondo Award, and hosting the Saturday night screening of THE COMEDY OF TERRORS with both Sara and Victoria in attendance.

I picked up a copy of Victoria's book, VINCENT PRICE, A DAUGHTER'S BIOGRAPHY and she graciously inscribed, "Thank you for keeping my father's legacy of joy alive!"

Victoria has been on a mission lately, a mission of spreading the joy of life. It is a message well-worth repeating, and one her father knew quite well. It was reiterated Sunday afternoon in her presentation about her dad, which is something everyone should try to catch if you have a chance.

Speaking of which, thanks to my friend Elizabeth Haney for reminding me of the following TEDx related talk Victoria gave.very inspirational stuff!

But getting back to Wonderfest, I was honored to receive a Rondo Award for this very blog! Pictures should start to surface over the next few days which I'll share here, but in the meantime I quickly took the following pic before I left the house this morning. Very honored indeed, and a huge thank you to David Colton, The Rondo Awards, and especially everyone who voted for me this year. It truly means a lot!

Saturday night I hosted THE COMEDY OF TERRORS to a packed room. In attendance, as mentioned previously, were both Sara Karloff and Victoria Price, who both came up and chatted with me about their father's work, and that film especially. I also played several short video clips featuring their father, which went over quite well, and gave away some free merchandise. It was a fun show, and I had several people tell me the following day that they really enjoyed it.

Seen here - Jamie McCasland, my director Cameron McCasland's wife and one cool chick!

I look forward to next year's show and have already started talking with convention organizer Dave Conover about what film we could possibly screen then. Thanks to everyone who came and visited me at my booth and supported us by buying stuff. You guys rock! More to come on this weekend's shennanigans!

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