
Saturday, September 18

Sara Karloff and other goodies at the Nashville Library!

Greetings guys, gals and ghouls, it's been a few days since I've blogged here. Anytime I am absent you can bet I'm up to my eyeballs in projects, and that's exactly the case.

BUT I broke free from the madness to tell you all about some cool stuff coming up at the Nashville Public library. First up they have a cool ongoing podcast called the Popmatic Podcast. In the most recent version they interviewed Sara Karloff, daughter of the one and only Boris Karloff. Very cool and ties in perfectly with their upcoming line of Halloween movies they're showing in October, because...

Saturday October 2, 2010, at 2 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium at Nashville Public Library they're showing THE MAN THEY COULD NOT HANG, starring Boris Karloff. Great movie and very cool they're showing it!

Then on Saturday October 23rd They're showing MONSTER SQUAD, the 1987 Fred Dekker classic, introduced by Dr. Gangrene! I am really looking forward to this - always a fun time introducing movies at the Nashville library, and that is definitely one of my favorite Halloween movies. Make plans now if you're in the Nashville area!!

One other cool Halloween event they have going on this year is a fantastic shadow puppet version of THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW. It is a one man play with shadow puppetry that climaxes with the Headless horseman slashing through the screen and emerging through it before a BLACKOUT! Awesome!

Tuesday, September 14

Hootenanny Just 11 Days away!

The 7th annual Horror Hootenanny in Nashville at The Muse is just 11 days away!
Make plans now!

For those folks in Atlanta we're holding the 1st annual Horror Hootenanny south on the 24th at The Shelter! Come join us for a rockin good time!!

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Saturday, September 11

Bride of Frankenstein 75th Anniversary

Universal Studios has inexplicably decided that the 75th anniversary of one of their greatest films, THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN, shall go uncelebrated. This is a major shame. I know there are lots of fans of this film who would love to see a proper DVD release of this, remastered with lots of extras, commentaries and new specials.

Well my buddy Scott Essman, who just so happens to work at Universal, actually, is a fervent fan or monster movies, and in particular those classics of the Universal monster era. He took it upon himself to put together a really nice tribute to the Bride and a nice article. He sent it to me and I asked if i could pass it along here, because it is really well done. Enjoy!

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Friday, September 10

Birthday poem

I celebrated my birthday last night, and have to say thanks to all my friends who sent birthday greetings and well wishes. You guys blew me away and really made my day. Have to share this ultra cool poem that Time Lucas of Video Watchdog fame wrote and posted on my FB page. Pretty cool - Thanks Tim, and look forward to seeing you and Donna sometime soon, hopefully...

He brings classics of horror to our TV screen
This demented man of science named Dr. Gangrene!
Zombies, severed heads, werewolves and more
Served up with dollops of black and white gore,
And on his days off, he rocks out with a band
...That goes by the dreaded name of Spookhand!
Our appetites for horror he'll always slake
So I'm wishing him candles and a red velvet cake!

Wednesday, September 8

This week's Creature Feature - The Sadist

This week's Creature Feature is the 1963 film The Sadist starring Arch Hall Jr. Quite a violent film for it's time!

Saturday, September 4

September Free Giveawy Contest!

Announcing the September contest - we're giving away a Horror Hootenanny Prize Pack. An Creeping cruds Tshirt, a Psychocharger CD, a Creeping Cruds Cd and a Spookhand CD as well as a collection of postcards from various Hootenannys over the years. To enter, subscribe to my youtube channel and leave a comment on this video. That's it!! Good luck!

Wednesday, September 1

Winner of the August Free Giveaway - Midnight Syndicate Prize Pack

The winner of the August free giveaway contest has been announced - congratulations to jbeeching - you are the winner of the Midnight Syndicate Prize Pack- Congratulations!!