
Friday, August 22

H.P. LOVECRAFT ART SHOW - Cthulhu Calling 3!

August 20th marks the birthday of horror writer Howard Phillips Lovecraft, whose Cthulu mythos and cosmic terrors continue to inspire to a legion of writers, artists, filmmakers and more to this very day. Case in point was a cool event I attended last weekend at the Cult Fiction Underground lounge in Nashville, TN - CTHULHU CALLING 3. Yes, the influence of the elder Gods even reaches into the heart of the bible belt!!

This was the third annual Lovecraftian event, and the place was packed. There were some fantastic pieces this year - Here's a few pictures from the event:

This final piece is from my good friend Eric Powell, comic artist/writer extraordinaire and creator of The Goon.

The event is organized by Adam Baker, Cthulhu enthusiast and the fella responsible for the awesome King in Yellow piece above, as well as the trio of tentacled ladies piece that was used in the advertisement. Amazing work as always, Adam! Thanks for organizing this monstrous event from the stygian depths of Music City!


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