
Thursday, January 21

Rare Vincent Price TV Game Show appearance

Got a neat little treat for you folks today - This is an episode of a 1954 TV series called "What in the World" which features guest star Vincent Price along with two experts in the art world, attempting to identify primitive works of art from various parts of the world. Price not only holds his own with the experts, but proves himself to be every bit as knowledgeable (if not more so). Fascinating look at an early game show, preserved on kinescope.

Price made many television appearances throughout his career, and at this point was becoming recognized equally as an art expert as well as an actor. What is interesting is the closing shot of this program, where Price has ducked out a few minutes early to head to his performance of BLACK EYED SUSAN, a Broadway play he was starring in (it is mentioned at the beginning of the program that the play is currently running in Philadelphia, which is where this was obviously filmed). Always insanely busy, Price squeezed in time for a game show appearance promoting art before rushing out to perform onstage.

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