
Wednesday, November 12

PSAs Mentioned in Tennessean newspaper

The Tennessean newspaper had a nice write-up this morning about the PSA campaign we've run recently... Here's the text below...

Local filmmakers win award

Nashville-based New Valiant Productions filmmakers Michael Creason and Cameron McCasland were awarded the Sapphire Blingy Award for environmental excellence at the 2008 Blingy Awards.

The New Valiant Public Service short Trash Day Of The Dead from the "Go Green With Dr. Gangrene" campaign was honored.

This is the second award for Trash Day Of The Dead as it was also named a 2008 finalist in the AEGIS video & film production awards.

The 30-second spot stars WNAB CW 58's Dr. Gangrene, portrayed by Larry Underwood, and his assistant Nurse Moan-Eek, played by Linda Wylie as they do battle against litter on the streets of downtown Nashville.

The Blingy Awards is a cutting-edge design competition honoring the best of video, film, print and Web.

For more information about the Nashville film company, visit online at

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