
Monday, October 1

Happy October fright fans!

October is finally here and the countdown to Halloween has begun! I started decorating my house this weekend – my teenage son and I set up a graveyard and put a ghoul in an electric chair out front of the house as well. We’ll be adding a few other goodies to the yard too, including a giant grim reaper.

For the 13 years that I did my show I got invited to host many events, but always declined - Halloween was my night off. I have friends who hold an annual get-together on Halloween night, but I love being home for the whole trick or treat ritual and wouldn’t miss it for anything. In the past we’d take our kids around the neighborhood to gather candy, but they’re all older now, so it’ll be the other side of the candy corn for me – I’ll get to enjoy being home to see everyone else’s costumes. This year we’re going to set up a fire bowl and sit around it handing out candy, and I plan to set up a screen and projector and have Halloween movies playing in the yard too, most likely Universal classics.

This Halloween season I’ll be posting a lot of good stuff here on the blog. I plan to do a TOP 10 VAMPIRE MOVIE countdown as well as reviews, Universal Horror stuff, and photos from my film going adventures as there are a shit-load of great movies screening around the Nashville area this October (see the Nashevil link above). So stay tuned for much Halloween fun here on the blog, and enjoy the season my fiends!!

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