Award-winning TV horror movie host Dr. Gangrene dissects the best and worst horror movies and more...
Friday, February 27
Count Gore in the Lab!
Monday, February 23
This Blog It Is A Changin'...

Feel free to join me over there - and I now turn this blog back over to it's rightful owner... Dr. Gangrene himself.

Saturday, February 21
He wouldn't even hurt a fly...

I've wanted to read this 1959 Robert Bloch novel for quite a while, but never made time for it. I should have. Psycho was just as entertaining as I had hoped, and I see why Hitchcock chose to adapt it to the big screen.
The Universal film is actually very, very close to the source material. There are a few differences, of course, but the majority of what you see on the screen is straight from the book.

In the movie the part is played by Anthony Perkins, who is much younger (and leaner) than the character described in the book. Bloch was asked what he thought about this change in the screen version of the character. Here's what he had to say in an interview with Randy and Jean-Marc Lofficier when asked what he thought of the movie adaptation (you can read the entire interview at:
"I was absolutely delighted. You know, it's generally the case that they take a title and the book and change it radically. But, in this case, it was about ninety percent from my book. He made only two drastic changes. He downgraded the age of Norman Bates, which was necessary visually. If they had presented a middle-aged man on the screen at that time, you'd automatically suspect that he must be the villain. So, that was a brilliant stroke on his part. The other thing he did was take a large segment of scenes that were in the book, but didn't describe fully. But the rest of it, the characters, the setting, various devices, all came from the book, right down to the last line."
There are several theories of where the character of Norman Bates might have originated, and one of these lies with real life serial killer Ed Gein. The Gein murders happened just a few miles from the small Wisconsin town where Bloch lived, and it certainly played a part in influencing the development of the character. But it was more of an inspiration, a kicking off-point, than a blueprint. Bloch also addressed this in interviews and mentioned the ideas of the murders themselves being influential to Psycho, but not so much the man Ed Gein himself.

Another very interesting theory is that Bates was based on real life magazine publisher Calvin Beck, best known for his ground breaking magazine CASTLE OF FRANKENSTEIN. Science Fiction writer Tom Weaver explored this connection in an article that is reprinted on the terrific B-Monster website .
Like Bates, Beck also lived with his mother and was dominated by her overbearing personality. Bloch knew Beck, and the idea that he based Norman Bates on Calvin Beck is more than plausible. Give that article a good read - it is fascinating and is just another example of the fine research that Tom Weaver has done over the years.
I wondered how well the book would hold up, given the fame of the movie adaptation. Psycho met all my expectations, and is a really good read. Of course, I expected no less from one of Bloch's lineage – he comes from the Weird Tales line of writers. Anyone who had work published alongside the likes of Robert Howard, H.P. Lovecraft, Henry Kuttner, Ray Bradbury and Clark Ashton Smith is in the company of the finest horror writers of all time, and indeed is rightly considered one himself.

Thursday, February 19
Dark Shadows, The Night Stalker and Other Productions

The award-winning and innovative director Dan Curtis was known for helming epic war movies, but before that he darkened the small screen with the horror genre’s most famous soap opera. Curtis directed the groundbreaking daytime television serial Dark Shadows from 1966 to 1971 and then turned his lens to numerous made-for-TV horror movies. This book examines 16 horror films that Curtis produced, co-wrote, or directed, as well as the cultural impact of Dark Shadows and its various incarnations. The book features 69 photographs and a foreword by Jim Pierson of Dan Curtis Productions.
According to Jeff the 69 photographs are rare and some never before published photos of Dan Curtis. Jeff is a lifelong Dark Shadows aficionado. I've been to his house and it is a veritable museum of Dark Shadows and other fantastic memorabilia. (Tennessee Crossroads did a segment for a Halloween episode there, focusing on Jeff's enormous collection of memorabilia).
Jeff is an English professor at Tennessee State University and incorporates his love of horror films into his courses, even screen various movies for his students. He has written articles on Dan Curtis and Dark Shadows and attends conventions as a guest on Dark Shadows and horror cinema.
His new book will be available starting Friday, March 13th on the McFarland website,
and you can also order it through
Wednesday, February 18
2008 Wonderfest Live Show featuring the Robot Monster
For the 2008 Wonderfest Live Show Doc Gangrene and crew hosted the b-movie classic "Robot Monster." The Exotic Ones played before, during, and after the show. As always, the doc had the assistance of Nurse Moan-eek, and the one and only Bob Burns was on hand as the special guest of the evening. Bob gave his memories of Robot Monster to the crowd and talked about owning the helmet from the original film, and also showed a clip from a special 3-D version of Robot Monster in which he starred (the crowd were all given 3-D glasses upon entering the theater). As the main movie started rolling it was interrupted by a real "Ro-man" - and Doc Gangrene was startled to hear that the visitor from another planet was actually very interested in his assistant, Moan-eek. Well, Doc decided he couldn't let this alien ruin his fun, so he enlisted two fellow scientists (John Goodwin and Frank Dietz) to help. One of them had in tow what appeared to be a simian creature (which looked suspiciously like Dave Hodge in Planet of the Apes makeup from John Goodwin's makeup session earlier that day) - the doctors all conferred and decided they could learn some clues to defeat the Roman from this specimen. Together they built a similar control helmet to the one Roman wore, a Calcinator Death Ray Helmet. As the movie wrapped the show was invaded by Ro-man himself (Bob Burns wearing the original helmet, no less) - and he confronted the Doc. He was talked out of destroying the world, but he did destroy Doc Gangrene's helmet, much to the Doc's chagrin! The gang all tossed out goodies to the crowd while the Exotic Ones played a Robot Monster song, and afterwards the crowd was able to get photos with Ro-man. A grand time, and thanks again to Wonderfest for allowing us to host the event! - photos by the Wonderfest photo staff
Cinema Suicide

Tuesday, February 17
Wonderfest Robot Monster Live Show
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Monday, February 16
The 7th Annual Rondo Awards have begun!
Best Fan Event
(for the Wonderfest Live Show)
It is an honor to be nominated, and I'd just like to say thanks to Dave Colton for putting these awards together. This is the 7th annual Rondo Award season, and there are some new categories this year such as Best Blog - so take some time and visit the websites and blogs - there are some really cool ones nominated.
I will put the entire ballot below - make your selections and mail them to
This year's awards are dedicated to the memory and legacy of Forrest J Ackerman,
the World's No. 1 Monster Fan
1. Best Movie of 2008 (Pick one)
-- Or write in another choice:
2. Best Television Presentation
-- BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, 'Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?' Sci-Fi Channel, 5.16.08. Adama and fleet consider an alliance with Cylon rebels. 'The one human flaw, mortality, is the one thing that makes you whole.'
-- DOCTOR WHO, 'Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead,' BBC, 5.31.08-6.6.08. A 51st Century library has every book ever written. 'Look at me, I'm old and thick, head's too full of stuff. I need a bigger head.'
-- FRINGE, 'The Arrival,' Fox, 9.30.08. A large cylinder, and an Observer, emerge from beneath the streets of New York City. 'You still think just because someone's dead, they're gone?'
-- HEROES, 'The Eclipse, Parts 1 and 2,' NBC, 11.24.08-12.1.08. Solar mayhem causes heroes and villains to lose their powers. 'I never thought I'd be able to hurt again. It sucks but it's wonderful.'
-- LOST, 'There's No Place Like Home, Parts 1 and 2,' ABC, 5.15.08-5.29.08. Time twists as six escape and Ben 'moves' the island. 'We have to go back.'
-- SUPERNATURAL, 'In the Beginning,' WB, 10.2.08. Dean goes back in time to warn his mother of death in her future. 'No matter what you hear or see, promise me you won't get out of bed.'
-- TERMINATOR: THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES, Fox, 3.3.08. Birthdays and family complicate the battle to stop the future. 'You fool yourself. Then you remember what this place'll look like when it's on fire.'
-- TORCHWOOD, 'Exit Wounds,' BBC, 4.4.08. Death and time travel as the team saves the city. 'Give me one good reason why I shouldn't keep bloody screaming.'
-- TRUE BLOOD, 'Cold Ground,' HBO, 10.12.08. Escape from the blood proves elusive. “Our killer seems to be targeting women who have associated with vampires.'
-- Or write in another choice:
3. Best Classic DVD
-- THE HAUNTED CASTLE (Murnau; Alpha version)
-- THE MUMMY (75th Anniversary)
-- PHASE IV (Saul Bass insect fear)
-- 7th VOYAGE OF SINBAD (DVD and Blu-Ray)
-- STANLEY (Special edition)
-- VAMPYR (Criterion)
-- Or write in another choice:
4. Best Classic DVD Collection
-- CHARLIE CHAN COLLECTION Vol. 4 and 5 (Sidney Toler era)
-- FOX HORROR CLASSICS Vol. 2 (Chandu the Magician, Dragonwyck, Dr. Renault's Secret)
-- HOUDINI THE MOVIE STAR (Kino collection of films and serials)
-- ICONS OF ADVENTURE: Stranglers of Bombay, Terror of Tongs, Pirates of Blood River, Devil- Ship Pirates
-- ICONS OF HORROR: THE HAMMER COLLECTION: Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll, Scream of Fear, The Gorgon, Curse of Mummy's Tomb
-- MAGIC OF MELIES (Kino collection of his films)
-- PLANET OF THE APES (First five films, Blu-Ray set)
-- RAY HARRYHAUSEN COLLECTIBLE DVD GIFT SET (Colorized and B/W of It Came from Beneath the Sea, Earth vs. Flying Saucers, 20 Million Miles to Earth)
-- Or write in another selection:
5. Best DVD TV Collection
-- DOCTOR WHO: The Complete Fourth Series
-- HILARIOUS HOUSE OF FRIGHTENSTEIN: Gory Gory Transylvania. Vol. 2 (nine more episodes)
-- THE INVADERS (Season One)
-- NIGHT GALLERY: Season Two (Rod Serling's classic)
-- THE STARLOST (Rare 1973 series with Keir Dullea)
-- SUSPENSE: THE LOST EPISODES (Vol. 1 of early TV anthology)
-- TORCHWOOD: Complete Second Season.
-- Or write in another selection:
6. Best Restoration (or video upgrade)
-- CHANDU THE MAGICIAN (Bright and detailed, Fox Horror Classics Vol. 2)
-- DEAD MEN TELL (Much improved version in Charlie Chan set, Vol. 5)
-- THE GREEN ARCHER (Restored Serials version)
-- HOUDINI: THE MAN FROM BEYOND (Restored Serials version, also on Blu-Ray)
-- THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY (Technicolor sequences sparkle, splices gone)
-- RODAN (Japanese version)
-- THE SKULL (finally widescreen)
-- TWO FACES OF DR. JEKYLL (uncensored)
-- VAMPYR (Criterion)
-- WORLD WITHOUT END (Cinemascope)
-- Or write in another choice:
7. Best DVD Extra
-- ADVENTURES IN SPACE: Space Patrol's Ralston Rocket Giveaway promotional film from 1954.
-- CHARLIE CHAN COLLECTION Vol. 4: Chan's Killer Actress: Feature on Kay Linaker.
-- THE MUMMY (1932): 'He Who made Monsters,' documentary on Jack Pierce.
-- NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD 40th Anniversary Edition: 'One for the Fire' documentary brings cast members back to cemetery.
-- PSYCHO SPECIAL EDITION: Episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents: 'Lamb to the Slaughter.'
-- 7th VOYAGE OF SINBAD: 'Remembering the 7th Voyage of Sinbad,' Harryhausen talks about the special effects.
-- STANLEY: 'The Dark Side of Eden: The Making of Stanley.' Includes new interviews, behind-scenes footage.
-- Or write in another choice:
8. Best DVD Commentary
-- Rick Baker, Scott Essman, Bob Burns, Steve Haberman, Brent Armstrong, THE MUMMY (1932)
-- Bill Condon, Michael Murphy, Dan Shor, STRANGE BEHAVIOR Special Edition.
-- Ray Harryhausen, Phil Tippett, Steven Smith, Arnold Kunert, Randall Cook, 7th VOYAGE OF SINBAD
-- Angela Lansbury with Steve Haberman, THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY
-- John Morgan, Steven Smith, William Stromberg, and Nick Redman on Bernard Herrmann, DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL (Blu-Ray)
-- Jeff Miller, HOLD THAT GHOST (Universal box set)
-- Tony Rayns, VAMPYR (Criterion)
-- James K. Shea, Fred Olen Ray, three animators, PLANET OF DINOSAURS 30th Anniversary Edition
-- Tom Weaver, Richard Scrivani, ABBOTT & COSTELLO MEET DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE (Universal box set)
-- Or write in another choice:
9. Best Independent Production (film, documentary or short)
- BLIND DATE OF COFFIN JOE (Ray Castile uncannily channels the unholy one in search of the superior woman)
-- CARTOON ADVENTURES OF MAJOR MARS (Bob Burns' cartoon series as it might have been)
-- THE DUNGEON OF DR. DRECK (Horror hosts abound in this fun look at a TV station takeover).
-- EDGAR ALLAN POE'S THE RAVEN (Christopher Walken reads, Gustave Dore decorates in this Len Hart animated short)
-- FANEX FILES: SAMUEL Z. ARKOFF (Documentary and interview with AIP's no-nonsense vice president)
-- SPINE-TINGLER: THE WILLIAM CASTLE STORY (Feature-length documentary about the maestro of ballyhoo)
-- TERROR IN THE PHAROAH'S TOMB (Latest sendup of public domain footage by Sue Svehla)
-- THIRTY SECOND DOOM (Short parody of sci-fi serials, Rocketman and all)
-- TRAIL OF THE SCREAMING FOREHEAD (Sci-fi lunacy from Larry Blamire, Dan Roebuck and gang)
-- WATCH HORROR FILMS: Keep America Strong (Documentary about San Francisco's Creature Features)
-- ZOMBIE HUNTERS: CITY OF THE DEAD (Crispy online episodes)
-- Or write in another choice:
10. Best Book of 2008
-- THE BOOK OF LISTS: HORROR, edited by Amy Wallace, Del Howison and Scott Bradley. Notables including Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, Tim Lucas and others pick bests and worsts.
-- THE CINEMA OF TOD BROWNING, edited by Bernd Herzogenrath. Scholars dissect the director's work.
-- CLAUDE RAINS: An Actor's Voice, by David J. Skal with Jessica Rains. Based on unrevealed interviews and a daughter's recollections, a look at one of horror's finest.
-- THE GREAT MONSTER MAGAZINES, by 'Bobb' Cotter. A look at the black-and-white monster and comic magazines of the 50s, 60s, 70s.
-- HOMEMADE HOLLYWOOD: Fans Behind the Camera, by Clive Young. From fake Little Rascals in the 20s to backyard Batman, a look at the tribute film craze.
-- HORROR 101, edited by Aaron Christensen. The essentials and more outlined by 78 writers.
-- I TALKED WITH A ZOMBIE, by Tom Weaver. Interviews with 23 horror and science fiction personalities, including Ann Carter, Eric Braeden and Lee Meriwether.
-- THE MONSTER HUNTER IN MODERN POPULAR CULTURE, Heather L. Duda. From Van Helsing to Buffy, a look at those who fight back.
-- 100 EUROPEAN HORROR FILMS, by Stephen Jay Schneider. A screen guide for films from Caligari to today.
-- RAY HARRYHAUSEN: MASTER OF THE MAJICKS, Volume 2: The American Films, by Mike Hankin. From Mighty Joe to the Cyclops.
-- SHADOWS OVER NEW ENGLAND by David and Scott T. Goudsward. A guide to the locales of the region's scariest legends, Dark Shadows included.
-- TWILIGHT ZONE: Unlocking The Door to a Television Classic, by Martin Grams. Through interviews and production notes, every episode submitted for your approval.
-- VIDEODROME, by Tim Lucas. Finding the secrets hidden behind the knobs of David Cronenberg's classic.
-- YOU'RE NEXT: Loss of Identity in the Horror Film, edited by Anthony Ambrogio. From alien takeovers to brain-swaps, who's next?
-- Or write in another choice:
11. Best Magazine of 2008
-- Famous Monsters of Filmland
-- Filmfax
-- G-FAN
-- Horror Hound
-- Little Shoppe of Horrors
-- Mad Scientist
-- Monster Bash
-- Monsters from the Vault
-- Phantom of the Movies' VideoScope
-- Rue Morgue
-- Scarlet
-- Scary Monsters
-- Screem
-- Shock Cinema
-- Starlog
-- Video Watchdog
-- Or write in another choice:
12. Best Article of 2008 (PLEASE PICK TWO)
-- 'Amy and Her Friends: The Ann Carter Interview,' by Tom Weaver, VIDEO WATCHDOG #137. A career retrospective with the young star of a Val Lewton classic.
-- 'Beverly Washburn: from Superman to Spider Baby,' by Donald Vaughan, VIDEOSCOPE #68. Interview with actress who appeared with George Reeves, Old Yeller, Lon Chaney and Captain Kirk.
-- 'Bewitching Hazel,' by David Del Valle, VIDEO WATCHDOG #140. Remembrance of late Hammer star Hazel Court.
-- 'California Gothic: The Corman/Haller Collaboration,' roundtable with Roger Corman, Daniel Haller, Joe Dante, moderated by Lawrence French, VIDEO WATCHDOG #138. Tales from the sets of the Poe films and more.
-- 'Cinematographer Gary Graver: The Man Who Shot Everything,' by Gary Graves, PENNY BLOOD #11 (online). One of last interviews with man behind the lens of Dracula vs. Frankenstein and Naschy films.
-- 'Coffin Joe Resurrected.' by Scott Gabbey and Jovanka Vuckovic, RUE MORGUE #85. Career retrospective on notorious Brazilian filmmaker Jose Mojica Marins.
-- 'Color Them Monsters,' by Mark Thompsen, STARLOG #370. Four pages of colorized Universal stills, from the Phantom to the Creature.
-- 'The Curse of the Cat People: A Production Diary,' by Greg Mank, MONSTERS FROM THE VAULT #25. Everything about the haunting Robert Wise classic.
-- 'El Vampiro Speaks,' by Bryan Senn, Richard Sheffield and Jim Clatterbaugh, MONSTERS FROM THE VAULT #24. Rare interview with Mexican horror star German Robles.
-- 'A Eulogy for Charles B. Griffith,' by Justin Humphreys, VIDEO WATCHDOG #141. A friend remembers the touching final days of the eccentric writer behind AIP classics.
-- 'Harry Redmond Jr.: Last Survivor of Skull Island,' by Mark F. Berry, VIDEO WATCHDOG #146. Interview and revelations from last remaining production member of Willis O'Brien's films.
-- 'Head Scratchers Explained,' by Prof. Anton Griffin, SCARY MONSTERS #66. Filling in some of the monstrous plot holes in Universal's classic films.
-- 'Intruding on William Shatner,' by Dan Lybarger, FILMFAX #117. Insights into the controversial 1962 Roger Corman film.
-- 'Jamie Lee Curtis and the Virginity Myth,' by Mark Allan Gunnells, MIDNIGHT MARQUEE #76 (online). Retracing Curtis' gritty heroines in Halloween, The Fog and other films.
-- 'Lost Nightmare: The Mystery of the Missing Spider Pit Sequence,' by Gary Vehar. FILMFAX #118-119. Rounding up everything known about King Kong's lost scene.
-- 'Manly P. Hall: Dracula and the Complexities of the Classic Horror Film Sequel,' by Gary Don Rhodes, MONSTERS FROM THE VAULT #25. How the sequel to Dracula might have been very different.
-- 'Of Dogs and Monsters,' by Deborah Painter, SCARY MONSTERS #65. Sniffing out the hounds of hell and heroism in the monster movies.
-- 'The Prisoner: A New Order,' by Tim Lucas, VIDEO WATCHDOG #142. Making new sense of the village by reshuffling the episodes.
-- 'Remembering John Brahm,' by Marty Baumann, MONSTERS FROM THE VAULT #24. Director's daughter recalls his work on The Lodger, Outer Limits and more.
-- 'Scare News,' by John Skerchock, SCARY MONSTERS. Fandom's insider column, appearing regularly.
-- 'Scream and Scream Again: The Uncensored History of Amicus Productions,' by Philip Nutman, LITTLE SHOPPE OF HORRORS #20. Deep examination of the studio that emerged from Hammer's shadows.
-- 'Special Effects Wizard John P. Fulton,' by daughter Joanne Fulton Schaeffer as told to Tom Weaver, MONSTERS FROM THE VAULT #24. Growing up with the genius behind Universal's horrors.
-- 'Spine Tingler,' by Greg Goodsell, SCREEM #16. A ghost-viewer look at William Castle's career through the new documentary.
-- 'Stan Winston Remembered,' by Scott Essman, FANGORIA #276. Tribute to the late makeup master.
-- 'Sullivan's Travels in Hollywood,' by Paul and Donna Parla, additional material by Anthony DiSalvo and Lawrence Fultz Jr., SCARY MONSTERS #67. Career retrospective on the man who tamed the Gila Monster.
-- 'Suspense: The Lost Episodes,' reviewed by Kim Newman, VIDEO WATCHDOG #140. Episodes from dawn of TV described in kinoscopic detail.
-- 'The Ubiquitous Dabbs Greer,' by M.J. Simpson, VIDEO WATCHDOG #144. The character actor interviewed about House of Wax, body snatchers and more.
-- 'Video Invasion,' by Matt Moore, HORROR HOUND #12-14. Reconstructing the gory-movie VHS boom of the 80s, clamshell boxes and all.
-- -- 'Who Saved Hitler's Brain: The Making and Re-Making of Madman of Mandoras,' by Brian Albright, FILMFAX #118. Proof that every picture has a backstory.
-- Or write in another choice:
Remember, please pick TWO articles from the list above. One will win.
13. Best Magazine Cover
FILMFAX #119 By Harley Brown | G-FAN #85 By Matt Harris |
HORROR HOUND #12 By Ed Repka | LITTLE SHOPPE OF HORRORS #20 Alternate cover by Bruce Timm |
MAD SCIENTIST #18 By Don Marquez | MONSTER BASH #8 By Lorraine Bush |
MONSTERS FROM THE VAULT #25 By Daniel Horne | RUE MORGUE #83 By Basil Gogos |
SCARLET #1 | SCARY MONSTERS #65 By Terry Beatty |
SCREEM #16 By Bill Chancellor | VIDEOSCOPE #68 By Kevin Hein |
VIDEO WATCHDOG #137 By Charles Largent | Or write in another cover choice: |
14. Best Website (Online magazine, message board or tribute site)
Classic Horror Film Board, sponsor of Rondos, is not eligible
-- (Fun look at 50s scifi)
-- Creepy Classics (Monster Bash and latest product news)
-- (A rich multimedia serial based on the sci-fi series)
-- Eccentric-cinema (One of earliest cult sites)
-- E-gor's Chamber of TV Horror Hosts (amazing)
-- Film Noir Foundation (For fans of long inky shadows)
-- Gallery of Monster Toys (The source)
-- (Home of horror host rebirth)
-- Latarnia: Fantastique International (all things Euro and more)
-- Lugosiphilia Yahoo Group (Just Bela)
-- The Many Faces of the Frankenstein Monster (like it says)
-- Midnight Marquee (online magazine)
-- Monster Kid Online Magazine
-- Monster-Mania Forum (monster conventions)
-- (Cliffhangers, restored serials and talk)
-- Shriekfreak Quarterly (online magazine)
-- (Still excited about monsters and thrills)
-- (Online magazine)
-- Trailers from Hell (Joe Dante, pros comment on trailers)
-- Universal Monster Army (Toys, masks and more)
-- Witch's Dungeon (Home of the monstrous Hollywood tributes)
-- Or write in another website:
15. Best Horror Blog
-- Blogue Macabre (Strange musings with Gary D.)
-- Cinema Dave (Quick-footed movie blog)
-- Cinema-suicide (Smart look at modern films; soundtracks, too)
-- The Drunken Severed Head (Max Cheney's unique blog about it all)
-- Final Girl (A voice that must be heard)
-- Frankensteinia (If it didn't exist it would have to be invented)
-- Gary's Blog (Gary Svelha's cinema musings at
-- The Good, the Bad, and Godzilla (August Ragone's G-blog)
-- (Blog goes ape)
-- Groovy Age of Horror (Not for faint-hearted)
-- (All host news, all the time)
-- The Horrors of it All (Horror in the comics and more)
-- (Friendly creeps from Jay Stevens)
-- (Music is just the start)
-- Obscure Hollow (The look of horror)
-- Secret Fun Blog (childhood reveries from creator of Flip!)
-- Vault of Horror (Blog for every era of horror)
-- Video Watchblog (Tim Lucas goes deeper than even his magazine dares)
-- Zombos' Closet of Horror Blog (John Cozzoli's generation next)
-- Or write in another blog of your choice:
16. Best Convention of 2008
-- B-MOVIE CELEBRATION (Franklin, Ind.)
-- CHILLER (Meadowlands)
-- DRAGONCON (Atlanta)
-- G-FEST (Chicago)
-- HORROR-FIND (Baltimore)
-- HORROR HOUND WEEKEND (Indianapolis)
-- IT'S ALIVE ZOMBIE FEST (Pittsburgh)
-- MONSTER BASH (Pittsburgh)
-- MONSTER FEST (Chesapeake, Va.)
-- MONSTER-MANIA (Cherry Hill, N.J.)
-- SERIAL FEST (Pennsylvania)
-- SCHLOCKTOBER (NYC film fest)
-- SCREAMFEST (Orlando)
-- SPOOKY MOVIE: International Horror Film Festival (Washington, D.C.)
-- WONDERFEST (Louisville)
-- Or write in another choice:
17. Best Fan Event
-- Addams Family Meets the Munsters: Q&A with Lisa Loring, Pat Priest, Felix Silla and surprise visit from Grandpa Munster (Ron Chamberlain), at Monster Bash.
-- Blob panic reenactment of moviegoers fleeing, held at actual theater where movie was filmed in Phoenixville, Pa. (Blobfest)
-- Dr. Gangrene's Chiller Theater Live! at WonderFest features midnight madness with Bob Burns, John Goodwin, Frank Dietz and Nurse Moan-Eek!
-- Godzilla-suit actor Haruo Nakajima receives 'Mangled Skyscraper Award' at G-FEST XV.
-- Klaatu Barada Ohio: Patricia Neal speaks at 25th Annual Ohio Sci-Fi Film Festival, a 24-hour marathon held outside Columbus.
-- Paul's Brain Trust charity event at Dark Delicacies in L.A., featuring Blade Runner reunion with Ridley Scott to benefit producer and video store legend Prischman.
-- Spellbound: Reunion of Ray Bradbury's 'The Jar' on Alfred Hitchcock Presents with director Norman Lloyd, cast members and Bradbury by phone at the University of Northern Alabama. Hosted by Terry Pace.
-- Universal Monster Army monster toy exhibit, including rare toys from 50s and 60s, at WonderFest.
-- Witches' Dungeon Classic Movie Museum. Startling recreations of full-sized classic monsters, open at Halloween in Bristol, Conn.
-- World Zombie Day included zombie walks and charity events in Monroeville, Pa., Grand Rapids, Mich., and 40 cities.
-- Or write in another choice:
18. Favorite Horror Host of 2008
Who is following in the tradition of Vampira and Zacherley? It is of course impossible to list them all, but here are ghostly hosts to choose from. If your favorite is missing, please write them in.
-- A. GHASTLEE GHOUL (Ohio and Internet radio)
-- THE BONE JANGLER. (Illinois, afternoons too)
-- KARLOS BORLOFF (Suburban Washington, D.C.)
-- COUNT GORE DE VOL (Washington, D.C. area)
-- DR. GANGRENE (Nashville)
-- DR. PUREBLOOD (Smyrna, Tenn.)
-- GHOUL A GO GO (NYC area)
-- GRAVELY MacCABRE and GRIZELDA. (Pennsylvania, West Virginia)
-- MR. LOBO (California)
-- ORMON GRIMSBY (North Carolina)
-- PENNY DREADFUL (New England)
-- REMO D (California)
-- SON OF GHOUL (Ohio)
-- SVENGOOLIE (Rich Koz; Chicago)
-- There are plenty of others, so if your favorite isn't listed, write in another choice:
19. Best Audio Horror Site or Podcast (Web only)
-- Cult Radio a Go-Go. Talk, reviews, interviews.
-- Bloody talk.
-- The Monster Club's Old Time Horror Radio: Horror stories and more.
-- Monster Movie Music 1950-1969 (A blog, too)
-- Old Time Radio Network at Podshow
-- Guide to the spooky voices of the past.
-- Rotting Flesh Radio: The Haunt Industry's Top Podcast
-- Rue Morgue Radio. Latest from the splatter world.
-- Science Monster Radio Library. Being rebuilt, but a prime resource.
-- Uncanny Radio, talk for the paranormal.
-- Universal Horror Sounds. Essentials are here.
-- Voices-in-the-Dark: Devoted to audio from Price, Lorre, Karloff, Lugosi and others.
-- Without Your Head Horror Radio: genre talk shows and more.
-- Or dial in another choice:
20. Best CD (Soundtrack, novelty or band)
-- THE BLOB (and other scifi), score by Ralph Carmichael, production by David Schecter. (Monstrous Movie Music)
-- CREEPING CRUDS: Tennessee Bloodbath (horror rock)
-- THE DEAD MATTER: Cemetery Gates (Sounds of horror, based on film)
-- DEATHMOBILE: Deathmobile (horror rock)
-- DRACULA VS. FRANKENSTEIN, William Lava score (Elysee)
-- THE HORRORPOPS: Kiss Kiss Kill Kill (Horror rock)
-- GHOULTOWN: Life After Sundown (western/horror rock)
-- THE GOLDEN VOYAGE OF SINBAD by Miklos Rozsa (Prometheus)
-- MAD DOCTOR OF BLOOD ISLAND, original 1969 tapes by Tito Arevalo. (Elysee Productions)
-- THE MOON-RAYS, 'Swingin' at the Seance' (horror rock)
-- NIGHTMARE REVISITED, tribute to 'Nightmare Before Christmas'
-- THE OUTER LIMITS, by Dominic Frontiere, 3-CD set from La-La Land
-- SHE, Max Steiner soundtrack by John Morgan, William Stromberg, Anna Bonn (Tribute)
-- Or write in another choice:
21. Best Horror Comic Book
-- ASTOUNDING SPACE THRILLS (Collecting stories by Steve Conley)
-- ASTOUNDING WOLF-MAN. Robert Kirkman.
-- CITY OF OTHERS. Steve Niles and Bernie Wrightson.
-- THE GOON. Eric Powell.
-- GRAPHIC CLASSICS: AMBROSE BIERCE. Revised with 70 new pages.
-- HELLBOY: In the Chapel of Moloch, by Mike Mignola.
-- LOCKE AND KEY: WELCOME TO LOVECRAFT (Joe Hill, Gabriel Rodriguez)
-- THE TRAP-DOOR MAKER (Collecting Peter Bregman Phantom prequel; new cover by Gogos).
-- WULF AND BATSY (Bryan Baugh)
-- Or write in another choice:
22. Best Toy, Model or Collectible
Nominees developed with help from the Universal Monster Army!
Hitchcock's 'The Birds' Barbie (Mattel) Creature Premium Format (Sideshow) | |
The Exorcist, Regan spider-walk (NECA) Big Frankie' (Moebius) | |
Invasion of the Saucer Men (Ultratumba) Rondo Hatton 12-inch collectible figure (Amok Time) | |
-- Or write in another choice:
23. Count Alucard's Controversy of the Year
-- Is classic horror Blu? Classic monsters and science fiction are missing in the excitement over the new Blu-Ray format.
-- London After Midnight, or on the LAM? An L.A. fan claims to have held the missing Chaney classic in his hands, igniting a firestorm that would have made MGM proud.
-- Too many Famous Monsters? Legal battles multiply as two publishers insist they own the Famous Monsters trademark.
-- Can monster mags survive? Chain stores closing, mags go online, Diamond Distributors cuts back.
-- What would Jason do? Endless remakes draw big receipts but ...
-- Or add your own dispute:
24. Classic Most in Need of Restoration
Which classic horror film, either released or unreleased, do you think most deserves a restoration?
25. Writer of the Year (for 2008)
Who do you think did the best published (or online) work in 2008 to advance the state of classic horror research?
26. Artist of the Year (for 2008)
Not your favorite all-time artist (although they might be the same), but which painter, illustrator, sculptor, model-maker or designer did the best published (or online), work in 2008?
27. Favorite DVD reviewer
A new category. Which DVD reviewers are most engaging, most reliable? This is a way to honor some of the genre's critical heroes. Who is your favorite?
28. Monster Kid of the Year
Who deserves to be named 'Monster Kid of the Year' for efforts beyond the call of duty to build a better world of gods and monsters?
29. Monster Kid Hall of Fame
Who should be this year's inductees into the Monster Kid Hall of Fame?
Past inductees: Bob and Kathy Burns, Forrest J Ackerman and James Warren, Zacherley and Vampira, Ray Harryhausen, Ray Bradbury, Alex and Richard Gordon, William K. Everson, Rick Baker, Basil Gogos, Roger Corman, Dick Klemensen, Gary and Sue Svehla, James Bama, Bobby 'Boris' Pickett, Paul and Jackie Blaisdell, Joe Dante, Don Glut, Jack Davis, German Robles and Frank Frazetta. And last year: Bernie Wrightson, Ben Chapman, Cortlandt Hull and Dennis Vincent, Ed 'Big Daddy Roth, Archie Goodwin and Ghoulardi.
Tell us your suggestions. We'll pick six more.
Whew! That's it!!!
TO VOTE: Simply cut-and-paste, check or highlight your picks, or type out your
selections to
You do not have to vote on everything. And one vote per monster. Thanks everyone!
And remember, even the Creeper himself can't stop Rondo VII!
Want more information about the Rondos?
Email david colton at
Saturday, February 14
Happy Valentine's Day
Got a couple of pics from last night's Friday the 13th part 4 showing at the Belcourt. Thanks to Belcourt photographer Frank Keesee for sending me these shots!!
Sparing no expense, the Belcourt even had
the star of the movie on hand!
Wednesday, February 11
Werewolf of Paris

I had never really paid attention to the opening credits, but this time one particular credit caught my eye…”Based on the novel THE WEREWOLF OF PARIS by Guy Endore”.

The Werewolf of Paris was written in 1933, and tells the tragic story of Bertrand Caillet, who was born with the curse of lycanthropy. His werewolfism is the culmination of a variety of events... His mother was raped by a priest who came from a twisted family with a tainted bloodline (brought on by decades of decadent and immoral behavior). Bertrand was born on Christmas Day, at the hour of Christ’s birth. He was a blasphemy and born with this dread curse. Tragedy, if not death, eventually befall all who come in contact with Bertrand.
The Hammer film actually follows the source material fairly faithfully, at first, but leaves out many details, and alters several others. The ending definitely strays from the book, but the bare bones of the story are taken directly from Endore's novel. I have to say in my mind's eye Bertrand (in the book) looked exactly like Oliver Reed.

It's a good book and at times I couldn't believe it was penned in 1933. Compared to the cinema of the day, it is much more shocking, with equal amounts of sex, violence and gore to go around.
The following is a quick excerpt from a scene where Bertrand, under the spell of lycanthropy, attacks and murders his childhood friend…
"Though a moment before Bertrand's hands had itched to be at the man's throat, they made no move to seize and hold his prey. The tension was not in his limbs but in his face, in the masseter muscles of his jaws. His mouth had opened wide. His teeth had dug through cloth and flesh. His face was inundated with a warm fountain, which he licked at greedily..."
Endore explores both the disease of werewolfism and the conflicted nature of poor Bertrand, who fights a losing battle against his malady. It is as much of a social commentary on the wolves of society and man's violent nature as it is a story about the mystical monster, all set within the backdrop of a war entrenched France. For anyone who enjoys classic horror literature, this is one not to be overlooked.
Here's the trailer for CURSE OF THE WEREWOLF:
American Scary

The terror-ific new documentary American Scary by filmmakers John Hudgens and Sandy Clark is officially being released today! The American Scary website can be found HERE

It features interviews and footage from hosts from the 1950s to the present, such as Zacherley, Vampira, Ghoulardi and others (like, ahem, DR GANGRENE), along with memories from celebrities and fans who were influenced by these hosts.
Here is the trailer for American Scary:
And a section on Nashville Horror hosts:
Tuesday, February 10
Friday the 13th Part IV

So if you're in the Nashville area put this on your schedule of things to do this weekend.
Fri & Sat, Feb 13 & 14 @ Midnight - FRIDAY THE 13 IV: THE FINAL CHAPTER -Come early to get your pictures with Jason in the lobby, it's like Santa, but not.
Monday, February 9

I made it down to the Belcourt theater in Nashville Sunday afternoon for the matinee of Planet of the Apes. I ran into a friend there, Jeff Thompson, who I didn't know was going. The show was well attended - probably 30 or 40 folks there, which was pretty impressive considering it was a gorgeous 70 degree day outside.
The print of the movie was beautiful - it was really a good time - thanks to the belcort for showing this!

Sunday, February 8
Wonderfest Card
Saturday, February 7
Rondo Awards - Best Independent Production on DVD

Best Independent Production on DVD -
and my choice is
Trailer Park of Terror!!
Trailer Park is a really fun and well-made movie - I reviewed it here.It is out on DVD now, and if you haven't seen it you should! It's my choice for Best Indy production on DVD, and btw, they announced yesterday that the Rondo Awards will begin next Sunday!! Woo hoo!

Friday, February 6
It's a Madhouse Matinee!

This is, of course, the original version. I dismiss the remake as an unfortunate mistake, not worthy of inclusion in the apes franchise, below even the tv series, which I enjoyed. No, this is the original 1968 version, starring Charleton Heston, Roddy McDowell, Kim Hunter, Maurice Evans, and the lovely Linda Harrison, who I had the pleasure of seeing at Wonderfest recently and who is still beautiful as ever.
Accoding to the Belcourt website this is a new 35mm print courtesy of Criterion Pictures. Hell yes! I am really looking forward to seeing this movie on the big screen - showtimes below:
Sat-Sun, 2/7-8 @ Noon
Monday, 2/9 @ 7:00p
I'll be at the noon show Sunday. Don't let them make a monkey out of you - come see Planet of the Apes!!
Thursday, February 5
Goodbye Lux - Long Live The Cramps

Lux Interior died last night. The singer for The Cramps passed away from a pre-existing heart condition. He's survived by his wife, band member and band co-founder Poison Ivy.
I've been on a major Cramps kick the past couple of years - this past summer in particular. I had, of course, heard them before, but never really dug in and consumed their music like I did over the past year or so. I can't tell you how many times I drove back and forth from home to work or around town on errands with The Cramps blasting on my car stereo in the dead of summer, windows down and diggin the wonderful weirdness that is The Cramps.
The Cramps are one of the pioneers of psychobilly music. Part punk, part garage, part rockabilly, part psychopathic - they are truly a gift to horror fans and rock music junkies like me. Pop culture, sex, sleaze, monsters and more abound in their music, and Lux is a fantastic frontman. Just type in The Cramps on youtube and check out their live performances for yourself. Lux writhes, twists, and slithers about the stage while eating the mic and owning the stage - you can't look away from him.
The Cramps were true pioneers of punk - the quote at the top of the page is from their song Garbageman, a commentary on poser punks who came after them but just didn't have a clue. The Cramps had a clue.
Long live the Cramps. Goodbye Lux.
Wednesday, February 4
City Council Proclamation Video
Happy Birthday George Romero!
150th Post!
Tuesday, February 3
Nashville City Council Meeting

I made sure when I spoke at the meeting tonight that I thanked everyone who made it possible, and I also made sure to mention Sir Cecil Creape, the horror host of Nashville TN who paved the way before me. I also want to take a minute to thank Council member Duane Dominy for sponsoring the proclimation, and to thank Cameron for getting the ball rolling and making this all possible.
it's gonna be a fun year!!
Sunday, February 1
Rondo Awards - Best CD

The official Creeping Cruds website is: and you can, of course, find them on myspace too at:
You can pick up this cd at either of these spots or on CD Baby,, itunes, amazon.mp3 or emusic. This is a terrific batch of horror schlock and roll, with songs to make any true monster kid howl with delight such as Come Out Neville (Based on the movie The Omega Man and the Matheson novel I am Legend ), I Kicked Dracula's Ass (sung from the Frankenstein Monster's perspective), and Meat and Three about a man who discovers his baby is now a part of the menu. Big loud guitars, in your face rock and roll with a horror twist - highly recommended.
The guys were also recently interviewed on Rue Morgue Radio - go to
and download the January 9th show.
This interview originally ran in Scary Monsters Magazine #76. I had the pleasure of speaking with John Agar's son, John Agar III. I thou...
I got a chance to check out a new independent horror film this weekend called The Odds . It’s a 2018 film, feature-length, made by Uproar Pi...
EC Comics weren’t the only company publishing horror comics in the 1950’s, they were just the best, which is why they are remembered to this...