Monday, December 31

Last post of 2007

Welcome to the last day of 2007. Been an interesting year, one which flew by very quickly, as each one seems to do just a tad faster than the previous. Sign of getting older, I suppose!

Our LAST MAN ON EARTH episode aired Saturday evening at 7pm. It went off without a hitch, which made me quite happy! In the past we've had issues with the station playback - but they were right on the money Saturday, as they were the past two shows. Bravo WNAB!!

Not sure yet what the ratings were, but we were opposite the NFL football broadcast of the New England Patriots vs. NY Giants game (which was broadcast on a ridiculous THREE stations!!), so I suspect that ratings suffered accordingly, but we'll see Wednesday when the station is back in operation fully. I did get several emails from viewers who watched the show and enjoyed it. The overwhelming question I've been asked... "How did you eat that FRUITCAKE?!" That's suffering for your art, let me tell you!

Here's wishing you all a safe and happy New Year and a terror-ific 2008!!
STAY MAD, all!!