Has there ever been a better debut album than the Ramones first release. THE RAMONES? If so, I don't know it. re-listening to this the other day, I was struck with how terrific all the songs are on it. Released in 1976, the songs sound as fresh and energetic 31 years later. Just a fantastic CD, and with Christmas coming up in 6DAYS! it would make a great present - for those of you who have someone you haven't shopped for yet, HEY HO, GO get em' some Ramones.
Here's the tracks on the original release:
"Blitzkrieg Bop"
"Beat on the Brat"
"Judy Is a Punk"
"I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend"
"Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue"
"I Don't Wanna Go Down to the Basement"
"Havana Affair"
"Listen to My Heart"
"53rd & 3rd"
"Let's Dance"
"I Don't Wanna Walk Around With You"
"Today Your Love, Tomorrow the World"
I was just talking with Tim Lucas from Video Watchdog the other day about the song "I Don't Wanna Go Down to the Basement". It is probably my favorite Ramones tune, and he mentioned it's his as well. It's written by Johnny Ramone and is his tribute to B movies. "I don't wanna go down to the basement, there's something down there, I don't wanna go..."