Friday, December 14

The Rondo Awards are just around the corner!

The Rondo Awards are an annual award for excellence in the field of horror, particularly classic horror. It is named after the actor Rondo Hatton, who appeared in a number of films throughout the 30s and 40s, and is best known as "The Creeper" in Universal's HOUSE of HORRORS (1946) and THE BRUTE MAN (1946).

The winners receive a statuette, a miniature version of the giant bust of actor Rondo Hatton seen in the Universal film, HOUSE OF HORRORS. Nominees for the Rondo award are selected from suggestions by horror fans, pros and enthusiasts offered all year at the Classic Horror Film Board. The awards are fan-based, and have no connection to any commercial sponsor. The Rondo Awards were created by David Colton and Kerry Gammill in 2002.

Anyone in fandom can vote or propose nominees. If there are any nominees or films you feel are deserving of recognition in the year 2007, then please, don't hesitate! Go to, scroll down to the Rondo Awards heading, and post a suggestion. Doctor's orders!! For more information about the Rondo Awards go to their website at

More on this in the near future!!