
Thursday, April 8

Congratulations Count Gore - Rondo Award Best Horror Host Winner

Countgratulations to my horror host colleague Count Gore DeVol, the Vampire of Washington.

Mr. Gore (the blood sucker, not the one that sucks) a.k.a Dick Dyszel has been hosting horror movies since the early 70s. He was originally on the scarewaves in Paduka, KN, then later in Washington D.C. He currently hosts a weekly web program at showing horror  movies, interviews and other assorted fun shennanigans. He updates every Saturday night. This is his second Rondo Award, his first was in 2004 for Best Website.

The picture below was taken many moons ago when the Count paid a visit to my secret hidden lair on the mysterious Shackle Island. Once again Count, allow me to say countgratulations on your win for best, er, favorite horror host!

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