
Friday, November 19

Countdown to Karloff continued

Next week is the birthday of the king - continuing our celebration of Boris...
Here with director Jack Hill on the set of HOUSE OF EVIL, one of the Karloff pictures I've not seen yet. I'm a fan of director Jack Hill, so I would like to see this one one day. You can buy a copy of this photo here:

Bela and Boris from their movie The Black Cat, 1934. Love these promotional photos.

Found this one on an auction site - The description read:
Karloff, star of Invisible Ray, The Bride of Frankenstein and other Universal pictures, with Mrs. Karloff entertains a group of friends on the tennis court of the actor's Beverly Hills home. Left to right: Rolf Armstrong, noted American artist; Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Karloff, Mrs Stine (her mother), Gene Walsh and Karloff.

Times were definitely different back then, but looks like these couples were enjoying their afternoon together at the tennis courts.

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