Wednesday, August 25


Tonight I want to tell you ghouls about a podcast that is sure to get your rotting toes tapping and those devil horns raised high – it’s called the DIABLOCAST and is run by a guy named Shane Dee. Shane also happens to be the drummer for a kick ass punk band called DieMonsterDie, so he’s a guy who knows the horror punk scene well.

The Diablocast is an all music podcast. It features the best of horror punk and metal ranging from classics such as The Cramps and The Misfits to current bands such as Diemonsterdie, Calabrese, Blitzkid, and many, many more. Diablocast has been on the web since December 2007, and I’ve listened to several of the older podcasts and always enjoyed them. They’re now listed on itunes so hopefully that’ll mean more frequent podcasts! He occasionally posts interviews with bands as well, such as the one he did with Calabrese in Episode 7.

So where can you find the DIABLOCAST? Glad you asked. Go to: to check out the blog where all the older episodes are archived, or go to itunes to subscribe (there is also a subscribe button right there on the blog).

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