
Monday, November 14

Interview with horror writer Jason McKinney

    We welcomed a special guest out to the lab recently, Nashville based horror author Jason McKinney. Jason stopped by to talk about his books, DOG WORLD and MEMOIRS OF THE WALKING DEAD. A shorter interview with Jason will be featured on next week's episode of DR. GANGRENE PRESENTS (our Thanksgiving turkey episode featuring the made for TV movie MOON OF THE WOLF - look for that to air Nov. 26th). However, I wanted to talk a bit more with Jason about his books than time allowed for in that episode, so I invited him out to Shackle Island for a chat about werewolves, zombies and more. Here is the longer interview on Youtube:

Jason's books are available on and definitely worth looking up - I also believe there are digital versions available, too, for you kindle readers (I'm still hopelessly addicted to paper - I know, not environmentally friendly or politically correct, so sue me). Look him up on twitter @jason_mckinney and tell him Dr. Gangrene sent ya!Jason's Blog:

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