
Wednesday, February 15

1951 Down Place

You know what the best part of the Rondo Awards is? The very best part? Ok, the BEST part is the kickass statues given to the winners - but the next best part is looking over the ballot and finding a link to something cool you never knew existed. That's exactly what happened when I started going through the podcasts nominated on this year's ballot. 1951 Down Place is a new podcast dedicated to Hammer Horror films. There are three hosts -  Derek Koch aka Brother D, Casey Criswell, and Scott Morris, and they discuss various Hammer films each episode in an informative, entertaining and well produced podcast that I really enjoyed. And to top it off imagine my surprise when, in episode 2, I heard my own name invoked! Extra points for referencing Doc G!

Defintiely check this podcast out, as well as all the nominees on this year's Rondo Awards. It is a fantastic reference place to find out about some cool stuff you never knew existed.

And they give away some kick ass statues, too!

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