Monday, February 6

Goodbye Rue Morgue Radio

It is with much sadness that I bid farewell to the one and only Rue Morgue Radio. It's true. The final RMR is online now. After years of providing the best horror podcast on the scarewaves the plug has been pulled on the podcast, in what was, as you may have guessed, mostly a financial decision. I really hate it, as I believe the podcast was largely responsible for the success of the magazine over the last few years. It was a great tool and a way for them to make themselves bigger and better than the competition, to attract a whole new wave of fans by spotlighting bands and playing their music - and most of all it was a great way to keep the listeners up to speed on the latest in the world of horror. Everything about it was top notch - from the commentary of liisa, the reviews of the Caustic Critics Feedback and Lance, the updates from Shannon, and the music from Tomb Dragomir, the host who spent countless hours putting the podcast together.

The thing I REALLY liked most about RMR was that it was different from the multitude of podcasts out there - it wasn't just a couple of guys sitting around talking. They put effort into it. It had variety, and was truly professionally produced. The interviews with folks in the profession that most of us would never have access to were top notch, and I loved most of all the rock and roll vibe of the podcast.  I also want to reiterate something that Feedback mentioned in this final podcast - RUE MORGUE RADIO was the originators of horror radio - not perennial Rondo Award Second Runners Up Deadpit, no matter how many times they claim it. Long live Rue Morgue, and I wish the best to all the staff.


  1. I totally agree. However on the plus side both Feedback and Tomb are continuing with new podcasts. Tomb will announce his soon and Feedback has Cinephobia and also does the Rue Morgue podcast, which is seperate from RMradio.

  2. I know, I still hate Rue morgue radio is gone. Thankfully I Have some backups. I got to meet them at their booth years ago at a convention and bought a T-shirt for the radio, which I will always treasure.
