
Tuesday, February 2

Spookhand, The Creeping Cruds and IMPALER!!

Beware, Nashville - one horror filled evening is coming your way Sat, March 27th! 

It all happens at The Basement -  3 horror bands, one night, lots of fun! My band, Spookhand, will be kicking off the evening, followed by the Creeping Cruds, and rounded off by Impaler, all the way from Minnesota!! Impaler having been performing Shock Rock since the 80s! They are one of the bands that got Tipper Gore's panties all in a wad - why their album covers were even shown in congress during the whole PMRC music censorship debates - This is gonna be a fun filled fright-fest! Make plans now!! Here's a preview of what you'll be seeing that night!!

So make plans now! You don't wanna miss this!!

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